KYC/AML Policy

Վերջին թարմացումը: 09 October 2024

CyberZilla LLC (Company, We, Us) reg number 53111969, located in Yerevan, Koryun str. 7/1 39, upholds strict Know-your-customer (KYC) and Anti-money laundering (AML) standards throughout every part of Our business, from initial solutions’ provision (Services) to further monitoring procedures.

The implemented KYC and AML principles (Policy) ensure that Our Services are used in an ethical, transparent, law-abiding and internet-safe way.

Policy statement and purposes of this Policy

We take a zero-tolerance approach to money laundering and terrorist financing activities and supports strong internal controls to counter such activities. Therefore:

  • KYC and AML principles are upheld as our supreme means of safeguarding consumers as well as the internet from malicious usage of Our Services.
  • Each customer of the Company that is going to use Our Services or infrastructure is subject to one of or all of Our verification stages. 

KYC/AML verification stages and requirements

We apply several verification steps to support KYC/AML principles, with the first and foremost purpose to remain trustworthy and reliable for all customers. Thus, everyone who plans to utilize Our infrastructure and Services can be safe from fraud and abuse of any kind.

During the verification process, We resort to both manual and AI-based assessments. Each consumer undergoes checking, depending on whether they are an individual or an organization. The information We ask for during verification:

  • Contact details
  • Field, industry, use case
  • Business model (for organizations)
  • Business-related details (for organizations). 

In case a customer refuses to pass or fails verification, they are rejected from usage of Our Services. Any disguised or counterfeit information provided during verification is considered false, and may result in access rejection to Our infrastructure.

Information checking, storage and non-disclosure

The details provided during verification get checked through independent sources such as business registers. 

On condition provided information was not sufficient for passing verification, a customer may be asked for further identification. For such, they may be asked for ID verification. 

Customer’s provided information is regarded confidential and is stored as private, in accordance with Company’s Privacy Policy. 

Update of KYC/AML Policy

This Policy may be amended from time to time to reflect updates to the laws and regulations on which it is based. The date of the revision gets displayed on top of the page with this Policy. We recommend returning to this page regularly for checking amendments, if there are any.

To clarify misunderstanding about this Policy or with other questions regarding it, feel free to send Us an e-mail to the address provided below.

Կապ մեզ հետ

Եթե ​​որևէ բան անհասկանալի մնա այս քաղաքականության տեքստում, մենք ուրախ կլինենք պարզաբանել դրա դրույթները:

Դուք կարող եք նաև օգտագործել այս բաժնում նշված կոնտակտային տվյալները՝ սույն Քաղաքականությամբ նախատեսված ցանկացած պատճառով:

Սույն քաղաքականության հետ կապված հարցերի դեպքում դիմեք մեզ [email protected] էլ.