
Мобільні проксі

IP-адреса реальних користувачів мобільного інтернету Високий рівень довіри з боку веб-сайтів, соціальних мереж, пошукових систем.

Від $13.14 за 1 Gb
$0.3 за порт

Тариф включає:

  • Мінімальне замовлення 100MB від $1.31
  • Можливе групування по провайдерам
  • Размещение мгновенного заказа на панели
  • Изменение внешнего IP-адреса с помощью API, настройка времени или изменение при каждом подключении.

Серверні проксі

Швидкі та стабільні IP-адреса. Високий скоринг та рівень довіри з боку сайтів.

Від $3.65 за 1 Gb
$0.3 за порт

Тариф включає:

  • Мінімальне замовлення 100MB від $0.37
  • Призначені для виконання конкретних завдань, які потребують маскування під сервери
  • Размещение мгновенного заказа на панели
  • Изменение внешнего IP-адреса с помощью API, настройка времени или изменение при каждом подключении.

Astro FAQ

  • When you buy residential IP, mobile or datacenter one, you pay us for creating a new port (a small fee) and for traffic leverage (the bulk of the price). You can choose a traffic package or the “Pay as you go” option.

    There is no need to pay separately for accessing new IPs of geo targeted proxies. Every proxy port has a rotation feature, and external IP changes according to chosen settings without additional fees.

    The port may expire by traffic or money in the account, whichever runs out first.

  • The pricing plans for datacenter proxies start from $0.37 for 100 Mb. To buy a residential IP with similar volumes of traffic one needs $0.73. 100 Mb of mobile traffic costs $1.31.

    The current information on pricing plans and available geo locations is available on the "Purchase" tab in the main menu of a personal account.

  • We accept payments via e-wallets, crypto, and bank cards. The list of current methods available for buying residential IPs, mobile or datacenter proxies is published in the "Payment" section of the personal dashboard.

  • Yes, we ask users to pass a compliance procedure to get full access to features of our trusted proxy website and buy residential IP addresses, datacenter, and mobile proxies. During verification you provide a valid ID for making payments. Learn more from the experts of our Support service.

  • We recommend using an automatic renewal option. Ensure that your personal account is recharged for the amount of money enough for prolonging the purchased proxy ports for another month.

  • Astro charges a fee every month, or at the moment your personal account lacks the sum of money enough to cover the spendings due to the "Pay as you go" option. It means that the best datacenter, mobile or residential IP you buy will be billed after a month of using it. Otherwise, you will get the bill at the moment the account runs out of funds. We recommend replenishing the account promptly.