Protect your brand and intellectual property

04 September 2024


The business landscape expands, and the competition in every e-commerce sphere intensifies. This leads to increased efforts of protecting one’s intellectual property along with monitoring latest trends and practices. The market for brand protection technologies has exceeded the total size of $3 billion and is still growing.

Success relies on the awareness of rivals’ actions that may concern intellectual property or brand elements of a certain company. Automated data collection is the tool which allows monitoring the internet through geo targeted proxies. The ethical Astro infrastructure allows to buy residential and mobile proxies for brand protection, price monitoring, ads' verification, SMM, SEO, and other corporate needs.

Why protect you brand?

A brand is a distinctive mark helping businesses and their products or services to stand out within a competitive field. Brand attributes include:

  • Name
  • Logo
  • Colors
  • Web page design
  • Packing solutions
  • Taglines
  • Advertising approach.

Successful branding raises chances that a target audience will pay attention to a brand. This is the first sales funnel’s phase that leads to a purchase in case of a well-considered marketing strategy. Its tactical development and the trusted proxy website’s significance for e-commerce intelligence is a separate topic.

Involving plays a crucial role, that is what matters. No wonder, further product development and financial success depend on a brand. Letting use its components or the whole strategy without proper permission leads to financial losses. Sales decline and missed business prospects are the result of lost reputation and decreased market visibility.

Copyright laws protect attributes constituting a brand, and its infringement inflicts reputational risks. Misuse damages product’s identity, which leads to considerable costs and efforts on restoring the former trust of the audience. Personal data breach harms a company’s good will no less than a brand dilution.

Conscious entrepreneurs strive to buy residential and mobile proxies for preventive web search at scale to eliminate violations before they occur.

What is a residential proxy?

Detecting cases of possible brand infringement is based on gathering publicly available online information. These are references and mentions of a brand which allow to reveal its perception by prospects in advance. Such a large-scale challenge requires an ethical trusted proxy website’s infrastructure for spreading the load on servers and acquiring access to sites of a particular geolocation. To buy residential IP pool access is the solution.

Residential proxy servers are IPs belonging to domestic internet service providers. Assigned to desktops, laptops or Wi-Fi routers, these intermediaries connect to target web pages as common residential devices. The NAT technology assigns a single IP to a network of residential and mobile proxies one buys. Highly reputable among internet servers, they assist in receiving positive responses from third-party servers. Residential IP addresses are:

  1. Transparent, as they provide protective algorithms with accurate metadata on geolocation and official ISP affiliation.
  2. Reliable, because geo targeted proxies drive target sites to grant accurate and actual information aimed at regular visitors from a specific geographical area.
  3. Restriction-resistant, thanks to dynamic IP change initiated through web interface or API methods.
  4. Ethical, in case you buy residential IP from an infrastructure strictly compliant with AML and KYC policies. These online nodes are acquired and maintained on the informed consent basis.

Brand protection and residential proxies

Brand protection entails trademark registration, safeguarding digital information from third parties, and proactive internet monitoring.

The services one buys residential and mobile proxies from are intended to form an additional selective layer, which restricts unauthorized access to corporate servers. Datacenter IPs are effective for copyright protection as well, controlling input and output requests with high velocity and enhanced uptime. These cybersecurity measures prevent corporate traffic tracking.

Businesses identify the online sources which violate copyright or apply brand components without consent. Such a procedure involves:

  • Automated scraping software configured to detect key words or related media content
  • Geo targeted proxies ensuring seamless online intelligence.

The Astro data collection and processing infrastructure satisfies corporate needs in this domain.

Astro geo targeted proxies to protect your brand and intellectual property

Astro is an ethical infrastructure raising web info analytics’ level at any scale, from individual bloggers and web page owners to large-sized enterprises that place cybersecurity above all.

On Astro, you can buy residential IP addresses, mobile, and datacenter ones, with precise geolocation targeting in Finland, France, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Canada, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Chile — more than a hundred countries. We allow users to rotate addresses within a selected country, city, ASN, ISP or mobile carrier. Get a free proxy trial, set up traffic amounts, deploy the API key into your software, and perform brand protection the way you see it.

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